Sunday, December 8, 2013

Extra credit Option 2: Top 5 maps for the semester

The first map I choose for my top five is from Haley Barry; dot density map.  The colors stand out well with the map.  I like the font for the title and the shadow that was applied to the text was good.  Overall, the map looks great.

The second map is from James.  I choose his dot density map.  I like the color selection for the map.  The flag in the background was a good idea and goes well with the data. 

The third selection is also a dot density from Jared.  He did not choose any colors for the map, but looks good.  I like how he boxed the text for the title and the dot size is good.  Nice map.

The fourth selection is the graduated symbol map from Jared.  I like the graphics he uses to represent the data.  The colors and the drop shadow were well used in the map.  Overall, it was well design, very creative.

Last map is the bivariate from Nicole.  I like the background and the different type of fonts she uses for the map.  The colors go well with the map.  Overall, the map looks great, especially with the drop shadow.

5 Favorite Weekly blogs:

1. I like Cory's Super Typhoon Haiyan map.  Interesting map showing the globe.

2. Dot density from Cory.  I like the selection of the colors in this map; blue and black go well together.

3.  Global energy Grid by Nicole.  This map is well made.  The colors go well with the topic

4. Bivariate map by Haley.  An interesting map.  I like the colors.  I like the boundary lines around the U.S.

5.  Dot density map example by Jennifer.  Good size of dots.  This is not an easy map to make with the dots. This one looks nice.


Friday, December 6, 2013

Extra credit Option 1: Handy Illustrator technique: Using the eyedropper tool

One of the illustrator techniques was learning to use the eyedropper tool.  This tool is very useful when making a choropleth map.  This tool can be used to copy the color from one object to another.  It can also be used to copy other attributes from an object to the other.

1.       Select the object whose attributes you want to change.

2.       Select the Eyedropper tool.

3.       Move the Eyedropper tool onto the object you want to copy the attributes from and click on it.

The shortcut to do this is:

1.       Select the object you want the attributes from.

2.       Select the eyedropper tool and click on the object you want to apply the changes.  Continue to click on object to apply changes if desired.
Using the shortcut saved me a lot of time when making the maps.  I hope it does the same or did the same for you.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013